
Did you know you can earn college credits for things you’ve mastered outside the classroom and in your professional life?

Start smart toward a 十大彩票平台 degree or certificate by leveraging knowledge you’ve attained elsewhere! 十大彩票平台 is proud to extend our mission of supporting students and transforming lives by helping make a college degree more affordable by offering prior learning credit (PLC) for high school Advanced 放置 (AP) classes, CLEP考试, 服兵役, 专业认证, 和更多的!


你的经验很重要! 你的人生经历是宝贵的. 应用 that know-how towards earning your certificate or college degree on campus or online. We can potentially reward the knowledge you’ve gained over the years by translating those learning experiences into college-level 课程.

探索 我的经验很重要 website to see which of your professional or military experiences can work as prior learning credit (PLC) at 十大彩票平台.


We encourage all students to enroll in PLC programs to reduce the number of credits needed toward a certificate or degree. 它既节省时间又节省金钱!

We’re proud to offer the following programs that leverage prior learning credit:



的 CDA+ certificate of completion prepares graduates to sit for credentialing as Child Development Associates (CDAs) through the Council for Professional Recognition. 信贷 earned can also be applied to an associate degree in Early Childhood Transfer. 学生 with a CDA credential can receive up to 17 prior learning credits toward an associate degree.


学生 who have earned professional certification in the following, 可以申请先修学分:A+, 思科, 前年, Linux +, 微软, 甲骨文, 和更多的. 


英勇行为 requires that as a public institution of education in the Commonwealth, 十大彩票平台 develops a set of 政策 and procedures that govern the evaluation and award of academic credit for a student's military experience, 培训, 课程, 和职业.


大学水平考试计划(CLEP) exams provide an opportunity for 十大彩票平台 students (and the general public) to obtain college credit by examination. 十大彩票平台的学生可以赚到, 但不要超过, 45 credits toward a degree via a combination of CLEP and/or 挑战考试 testing.


十大彩票平台's Challenge Examination 程序 provides an alternative to traditional classroom course work. 的se exams have been developed by 十大彩票平台 faculty and are designed for the student who may already know the material covered in an introductory-level course and wishes to opt out by passing a challenge exam. 十大彩票平台的学生可以赚到, 但不要超过, 45 credits toward a degree via a combination of CLEP and/or 挑战考试 testing.


十大彩票平台 students can earn exemptions from introductory-level courses through a process called Entrance Assessment Review. This Review is used to evaluate student competency in reading, 写作, 数学, and keyboard skills and aids 十大彩票平台 students and advisors in planning an appropriate course of study.


At 十大彩票平台, AP scores of 3, 4, and 5 are acceptable as the equivalent of college-level course work. Official 大学 Board scores must be submitted to the Admissions Office for review in order for credit to be considered.


For more information on any prior learning assessment programs at 十大彩票平台 please contact: